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First Post

Alright. Here we go.

I've toyed with the idea of Entrepreneurship for many years now. It's enticing, it's romantic, and it's terrifying. I'm taking this course to try and figure out if it's for me, and get enough of a taste that I can gauge at least somewhat if I can hack it out there.
Striking out on your own, seeking to carve from the world a place for yourself, beholden to no one but God and the people you choose to work with, that's freedom. But with it comes the price of risk.
It's rather like the plan of salvation. In the Great Plan we come to earth with every capacity for success and failure. The consequences of failure are damnation, the reward for success exultation. No greater risk, no greater gift. It's opposition.
In truth, I'm afraid. I know it's what I want, but I fear for my ability to provide. I'm a Father now, and I have people that depend on what I provide for their survival. That's heavy.
Still, I think it's something I have to do. I've been given gifts that need to be used. Sometimes I feel like a fledgling, ready to leave the nest. The feathers are in, the wind calls me, but it's an awful long way down.
I've got some experience with this, not much, but some. I worked with a startup, and I left it. I didn't believe in what we were making, the product wasn't good enough for me to throw myself behind it totally. But while I was there I learned how to make a deal, how to get paid, how to see through the pitch to the meat and evaluate what it would take to give this client what they needed, even if they thought they wanted something different. I learned to talk to people, to sway them to see things my way when I thought it would help them. I learned to estimate and to avoid being nailed down to commitments I couldn't guarantee and how to tell a good idea from a lame duck.
Those are solid skills, but still I'm afraid. That steady check is a powerful temptress.
I thought forever that I could do both, work a regular job and get going on my own on my own time. It's just not happening. I have too many other things that need doing and too many people that need my time. If I'm going to do this, I'm going to have to do it in a leap. So that's why I'm here.

So far, I'm liking what I read. Its inspiring, engaging, and makes you look at yourself hard. I want more. Let's see where this goes.
