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Week 5

I've been very impressed with the book "Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment" by George Leonard. So much of what he has to say rings true. Much of it I feel are ideas I've had rattling around in my head and just needed someone to put them into words for me. I recognize that I'm on a path of mastery in some ways, and that I have elements of the Dabbler and the Hacker in other ways. I need more time to process it and think it though though. I have had an interesting journey so far, and it could be seen as a path to mastery, but the current period feels less like a plateau and more like a lull in the pressure to break the plateau. More on that in the future

We have been asked to specifically comment on the Hero's Journey talk. There is so much here, but my base impression on my first listen through is this: being a Hero, or living the live of one, is about living with humility, honor, and courage. Courage to take the right risks, having the humility to learn from everyone, and honor to make the right choices, even when they aren't the best for you.
You have to find your gift, then find a problem that needs a solution, set your boundaries, and surround yourself with good people. It is successful when you live with gratitude and recognition of all the contributors to your success, particularly God.
