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Setting course

I enjoyed this weeks readings. It was a nice break from the wonderful, but intimidating material of the past weeks. This week has dealt more with the attitude of an entrepreneur in the tough times. It's been about having faith and sticking to it. I suppose that if we do have true faith that we are called to the work we're doing, then the Spirit will carry us though.

This leads me to a new place in my heart; one where I am ready to ask God if this is what he wants of me. I'm ready to set aside my own desires and trust in Him. I will pray tomorrow to be set on a path that will guide me to my calling. To show me what it is that He wants of me. I've learned in the last few years that in giving my will to God, I find all the more freedom. It is in obedience that I find peace and plenty.

Once I know it, I will begin the pursuit of that calling with all the vigor I can muster. I know that He will be with me, and that if I press onward, good things will come.
