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Week 10 - Interview

The thing that made the deepest impression on me this week was conducting the interview with my chosen entrepreneur. Again I find myself more firm in the belief that I am not well suited to solo entrepreneurship, but must have one or more solid partners to work with.
I have also discovered an interesting idea. I thought that in order to strike out on my own I would need to "risk it all," meaning my savings, in order to survive while I started something up. After speaking to my interviewee entrepreneur I discovered that his office is filled with entrepreneurs of various degrees of success. I spoke for about 10 minutes with one who failed. He doesn't regret that he went out and did his own thing. It's almost like it was another job for him, other than the extra time and stress of it all. What I mean is it didn't totally derail his life to fail. He told me why it happened, and it was simply just that the market wasn't as lucrative as it needed to be to support the work that was required. The other thing that he shared with me was that it's really pretty easy to find enough money to get you started and keep you eating. There are grants, investors, and other means of obtaining enough starting capital to make it possible to start out without consuming all of your savings.
I'm ok putting SOME in, but I can't justify going "whole hog" when I've got a family to feed. This is comforting in so many ways and wedges the door open a bit further for me to overcome my fears and make the leap.
