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Showing posts from January, 2018

Pondering the possibilities

This week has been one of introspection and questioning. I like what I'm reading and learning, but it makes me question if I'm really cut out for this. My wife isn't really on board with starting a business due to the risks involved. She watched her Dad get taken by a D grade banker so badly that it destroyed his business, so it's understandable that she'd fear attempting the same in our lives. Still, I feel such a call to escape the rat race, to serve real needs instead of the demands of the Man, and to try my hand at shaping my own destiny. Again with the romance of the thing. I've been reading some other materials in addition the the class readings on what it takes to make it, and they all talk about hard work and long hours. I could do that, so long as there was some light at the end of the tunnel, the point its time freedom here remember. If I have to work so much harder, then what's the point? It doesn't get me where I'm trying to go. I thin

Considering the future and the past

This week's readings and assignments have caused me to evaluate what I want in life. They have challenged me to more deeply evaluate the depth of my goals and to determine what I mean when I say I want to work for myself. I've been presented with the stark reality that time is a finite resource, and that I need to get moving if I'm to make the most of it. I've been challenged to consider what my true priorities are and to face the fact that sacrifices will have to be made. This all has given me greater clarity about my current position on my journey and have inspired questions about what I want from life and to determine how I intend to attain it. As I began to write my Stars & Stepingtones assignment, I jumped right in with my top priority being to retire by 40. But as I considered my guarails, I realized that to do that, I'd have to sacrifice much of my time during my children's younger years. Upon considering this, I found that early retirement and fin

First Post

Alright. Here we go. I've toyed with the idea of Entrepreneurship for many years now. It's enticing, it's romantic, and it's terrifying. I'm taking this course to try and figure out if it's for me, and get enough of a taste that I can gauge at least somewhat if I can hack it out there. Striking out on your own, seeking to carve from the world a place for yourself, beholden to no one but God and the people you choose to work with, that's freedom. But with it comes the price of risk. It's rather like the plan of salvation. In the Great Plan we come to earth with every capacity for success and failure. The consequences of failure are damnation, the reward for success exultation. No greater risk, no greater gift. It's opposition. In truth, I'm afraid. I know it's what I want, but I fear for my ability to provide. I'm a Father now, and I have people that depend on what I provide for their survival . That's heavy. Still, I think it