Well, this probably won't be what you're expecting. A big part of my goal in taking this class was not only to learn about entrepreneurship, but to determine if it's something I want, and something I'm capable of. I've been learning so much, and I know things about myself that I didn't before. I feel more capable, more ambitious, and more self aware. It's that last one though that's tripping me up right now. I know that I can become whatever I want to be, but the truth of the time commitment to starting a company is evident in every reading and every video we watch. I'm not sure if I'm on board with that. My entire goal here is to attain greater use of my time. Yet, everyone I read about talks about how these insane numbers of hours worked nonchalantly, like it's nothing to them. I suppose that could be because they've found a calling, and I haven't yet, but I don't want to work late into the night and on Saturdays. I want to p...