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Showing posts from February, 2018

Not what you're expecting, probably.

Well, this probably won't be what you're expecting. A big part of my goal in taking this class was not only to learn about entrepreneurship, but to determine if it's something I want, and something I'm capable of. I've been learning so much, and I know things about myself that I didn't before. I feel more capable, more ambitious, and more self aware. It's that last one though that's tripping me up right now. I know that I can become whatever I want to be, but the truth of the time commitment to starting a company is evident in every reading and every video we watch. I'm not sure if I'm on board with that. My entire goal here is to attain greater use of my time. Yet, everyone I read about talks about how these insane numbers of hours worked nonchalantly, like it's nothing to them. I suppose that could be because they've found a calling, and I haven't yet, but I don't want to work late into the night and on Saturdays. I want to p

Week 5

I've been very impressed with the book "Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment" by George Leonard. So much of what he has to say rings true. Much of it I feel are ideas I've had rattling around in my head and just needed someone to put them into words for me. I recognize that I'm on a path of mastery in some ways, and that I have elements of the Dabbler and the Hacker in other ways. I need more time to process it and think it though though. I have had an interesting journey so far, and it could be seen as a path to mastery, but the current period feels less like a plateau and more like a lull in the pressure to break the plateau. More on that in the future We have been asked to specifically comment on the Hero's Journey talk. There is so much here, but my base impression on my first listen through is this: being a Hero, or living the live of one, is about living with humility, honor, and courage. Courage to take the right risks, having the hu

Week 4

I have finally stated to absorb some of the things The Ministry of Business is teaching! Well, moreover that I am beginning to believe them. What clicked was the idea that God will support me in my temporal affairs, IF I am focused first on the Kingdom of God and seek riches to do good. Really, that's what I want. I want to be able to help people when they are really in need and honestly just need a leg up. I'm not so keen on supporting people in slothfulness, but I also know that I can't always accurately identify the causes of people's circumstances. But, I digress. I know there are vain ambitions inside me, and that I must keep those in check, but I'm excited to know that if I have the right attitude that the Sprit will guide me and I can have success. I'm starting to develop faith in that. There's still fear, but it's lessening as I learn more. I am also gaining a greater commitment to self improvement. I'm working on getting to bed sooner s