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When I first signed up for a course in Entrepreneurship, I did so in hopes that I would be able to discover if I were Entrepreneur material. I've long held a desire to be financially successful, and it seemed to me that the best way to do that would have to be by going into business for myself. But, that route, for me, has historically been one I consider with much trepidation. Growing up, I saw first hand what can happen with you get into business with the wrong people. My father was an entrepreneur and had started an industrial painting shop which was starting to do well. As it was getting on its feet though, a large competing corporation moved into the same area, offering far cheaper prices with a known brand to boot. It was a fatal situation for the business. Now that wouldn't have been so bad, sometimes businesses fail and you just have to go and find another niche. The truly terrible things happened when the angel investor turned out to be a criminal extortionist. He d...
Recent posts

Is this right for me? I still don't know.

I really appreciated the readings this week. They have directly addressed my primary concern with operating my own means of business and income, that of time away from home. I also appreciate how honestly that subject is dealt with. As I've learned about all the things we've been studying I have discerned that there is a type of personality that is actually driven more to work more and more and more chasing their dreams of success that often become entrepreneurs, and often quite successful ones. I think these are natural businessmen and businesswomen. Unlike me, they have to be reminded and cautioned about not putting in too much work. They must be reminded that there are more concerns than business success. It's clear from the way each of these authors/speakers address their audience that there are assumptions about personality that simply don't match me. I'm an oddity in this pond. Again, I am left with questions about whether this path is really for me, but wh...

Week 10 - Interview

The thing that made the deepest impression on me this week was conducting the interview with my chosen entrepreneur. Again I find myself more firm in the belief that I am not well suited to solo entrepreneurship, but must have one or more solid partners to work with. I have also discovered an interesting idea. I thought that in order to strike out on my own I would need to "risk it all," meaning my savings, in order to survive while I started something up. After speaking to my interviewee entrepreneur I discovered that his office is filled  with entrepreneurs of various degrees of success. I spoke for about 10 minutes with one who failed. He doesn't regret that he went out and did his own thing. It's almost like it was another job for him, other than the extra time and stress of it all. What I mean is it didn't totally derail his life to fail. He told me why it happened, and it was simply just that the market wasn't as lucrative as it needed to be to support ...

Week 9 - Leadership

Leadership. Something I'm not super good at I'm afraid. At least, not naturally. I usually inspire some praise and even occasional admiration, but I would be surprised to find someone call me a natural leader. I tend to be too odd to inspire others to follow me, or perhaps just too difficult, haha. I don't mean to be, honestly! I'm just not great at communicating with groups of people. I'm fine one on one, with the right personality mix. I still don't know all the reasons for this and it's an ongoing project. I'm trying to learn to lead others to think as I do through Socratic teaching, but it's hard to remember to do when you're in the moment and excitedly trying to teach something. The listening that was talked about several times in this lesson is a real kicker for me. I get so excited by some thought or idea during a conversation that I have a hard time staying on track and not interrupting. I've been that way since I was a kid. A lot...

Setting course

I enjoyed this weeks readings. It was a nice break from the wonderful, but intimidating material of the past weeks. This week has dealt more with the attitude of an entrepreneur in the tough times. It's been about having faith and sticking to it. I suppose that if we do have true faith that we are called to the work we're doing, then the Spirit will carry us though. This leads me to a new place in my heart; one where I am ready to ask God if this is what he wants of me. I'm ready to set aside my own desires and trust in Him. I will pray tomorrow to be set on a path that will guide me to my calling. To show me what it is that He wants of me. I've learned in the last few years that in giving my will to God, I find all the more freedom. It is in obedience that I find peace and plenty. Once I know it, I will begin the pursuit of that calling with all the vigor I can muster. I know that He will be with me, and that if I press onward, good things will come.

Not what you're expecting, probably.

Well, this probably won't be what you're expecting. A big part of my goal in taking this class was not only to learn about entrepreneurship, but to determine if it's something I want, and something I'm capable of. I've been learning so much, and I know things about myself that I didn't before. I feel more capable, more ambitious, and more self aware. It's that last one though that's tripping me up right now. I know that I can become whatever I want to be, but the truth of the time commitment to starting a company is evident in every reading and every video we watch. I'm not sure if I'm on board with that. My entire goal here is to attain greater use of my time. Yet, everyone I read about talks about how these insane numbers of hours worked nonchalantly, like it's nothing to them. I suppose that could be because they've found a calling, and I haven't yet, but I don't want to work late into the night and on Saturdays. I want to p...

Week 5

I've been very impressed with the book "Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment" by George Leonard. So much of what he has to say rings true. Much of it I feel are ideas I've had rattling around in my head and just needed someone to put them into words for me. I recognize that I'm on a path of mastery in some ways, and that I have elements of the Dabbler and the Hacker in other ways. I need more time to process it and think it though though. I have had an interesting journey so far, and it could be seen as a path to mastery, but the current period feels less like a plateau and more like a lull in the pressure to break the plateau. More on that in the future We have been asked to specifically comment on the Hero's Journey talk. There is so much here, but my base impression on my first listen through is this: being a Hero, or living the live of one, is about living with humility, honor, and courage. Courage to take the right risks, having the hu...